Crisis & Support Information

Crisis and support information


Below are a range of services available in specific areas. Please open up the toggle boxes to learn more about what services may be available to you.


+ Crisis Support



  • Lifeline offers free 24-hour telephone and online support for Australians in crisis or distress.


Kids Help Line

  • Kids Help Line offers free 24-hour telephone and online support for Australians aged between 5 and 25 years.


Suicide Call Back Service

  • The Suicide Call Back Service provides 24/7 referral line for Australians at risk of suicide, carers of someone who is suicidal, or those who bereaved by suicide.


Emergency Services

  •  For Emergency Services in Australia (Ambulance, Police, Fire) call 000.



  • For contact information about Crisis Support Services around the world, visit the Befrienders website.




+ Anxiety



  • ecouch is a free self help ehealth program providing information about emotional problems (including anxiety disorders) and teaching strategies to improve emotions and mood.


Mental Health Online

  • Mental Health Online provides free psychological assessment, self help and therapist assisted ehealth programs for the anxiety disorders.


MindSpot Clinic

  • The MindSpot Clinic is a free telephone and online service for Australians with stress, worry, anxiety, low mood or depression.



  • THIS WAY UP provides ehealth treatment and prevention programs for anxiety and depressive disorders.


+ Depression



  • Provides information, telephone and online support for depression and other conditions.


Black Dog Institute

  • Provides information and online tools for depression and other mood disorders.



  • BluePages provides information on treatments for depression based on the latest scientific evidence. It also offers screening tests for depression and anxiety, and links to other helpful resources.


MindSpot Clinic

  • The MindSpot Clinic is a free telephone and online service for Australians with low mood, depression, stress, anxiety and worry.



  • MoodGYM is a free online cognitive behaviour skills program for preventing and coping with depression.



  • MoodSwings is an online self-help program for people with Bipolar Disorder.



  • THIS WAY UP provides ehealth treatment and prevention programs for depressive and anxiety disorders.


+ Drug & Alcohol


National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre

  • Drug and alcohol information and research.


OnTrack Alcohol Program

  • Self help online programs for alcohol and low mood.



  • Information, counselling, treatment and telephone support for benzodiazepine dependency.


Turning Point

  • Information, referral line, and web and telephone support.


+ Gambling


Gamblers Anonymous

  • Provides a confidential helpline, online counselling and information about other services available.


Gambling Helpline

  • Information about meetings held in each state of Australia, and provides a forum for registered users.


Know your odds

  • An interactive site that tackles the myths around how commercial gambling works.


+ Eating Disorders


Eating Disorders Helpline

  • Information, guidance and support for those affected by an eating disorder or disordered eating.



  • Information and support for parents and caregivers who have loved ones with disordered eating difficulties.


National Eating Disorders Collaboration

  • Information about eating disorders and different factors involved.


The Butterfly Foundation

  • Information and support, as well as a national support line (from 8am-9pm, Monday to Friday).


+ Under 26



  • The BRAVE Program is an interactive, online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety. The programs are free, and provide ways for children and teenagers to better cope with their worries. There are also programs for parents.



  • Free, confidential and free service for people aged 12-25 years to receive advice from a professional via a helpline, chat or email.


Kids Helpline

  • Free, confidential and anonymous telephone and web service for people aged 5-25 years.



  • Provides services to assist in improving mental health in those 25 years and under.


Youth beyondblue

  • Provision of support and information to those 25 years and under.


+ General Health


Better Health Channel

  • Health information for consumers.



  • Mental health information and telephone help services for Australians.


Head to Health

  • An Australian Government portal that assists consumers to find specific mental health information and services in Australia.


Health Direct Australia

  • Free 24-hour telephone health advice line for Australians living in ACT, NSW, the NT, TAS, SA and WA.



  • A 24-hour telephone support service for men with family or relationship worries, general information, referral and an online discussion forum.



  • Information, campaigns to improve mental health services, telephone helpline and online inquiry service.